Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Industry Transition to Make Certification A Norm For Biller & Coders!

Even though currently billers and coders do not mandatory require obtaining certification, this is expected to change due to increased competition in the job market. Healthcare facilities are most likely to prefer hiring billing and coding specialists certified by recognized institutes such as American Health Information Management Association or the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC).

Industry experts believe-
  • Growing competition, growth and industry changes are collectively making employers more cautious, hence gradually increasing the need for certified medical billers and coders
  • Certification is most likely to become the norm from as early as 2020
Moreover medical records and health information technician- jobs are expected to increase by 21% from 2010 to 2020, hence considered as one of the fastest-growing fields in health care.

Reasons for Industry growth and transition Effect on Billing and Coding
Senior citizen population
Advances in medical technology have made is possible for people to live longer, more active lives, additionally by 2020, one out of six Americans will be 65 years or older by 2020. Hence demand for quality healthcare will grow further with the increasing senior citizens population.
Need for highly skilled billers and coders will increase in hospitals and other health care facilities.
Higher need for certified coders to accurately and quickly code, plus submit and follow up claims from varied insurance payers, for increased patients.
Constant variations in health insurance
The Affordable Care Act is helping provide insurance to various people who didn’t have access to this earlier, leading to an increase in number of insured individuals. Also recent and upcoming changes to private and public insurance, is gradually increasing the need for billing specialists.
Requirement for skilled billers and coders who are updated with insurance norms.
Well informed billers and coders who will be able to correctly process increased claims, respond accurately to insurance queries and help prevent fraud and abusive practices.
Electronic Medical Records
More than 50% of physician offices and four out of five hospitals have converted from paper to electronic medical records, according to a report published by HHS recently in May 2013.
Increase in need of certified billers and coders who can properly –organize code and maintain the data required for digitization and easily handle issues related to of current information technology systems.
Remote Billing and Coding
High gas prices, parking and highway congestion, and expensive office space will eventually lead to increased transition from the office to online and an increase in billing specialist working remotely as independent contractors or employed by large, reputable employers.
These specialist will be required to handle the same tasks as on-site specialists, such as – evaluating patient records, coding, submission along with keeping updated with HIPAA standards and any industry changes. Hence employers would feel safer hiring certified billers and coders to ensure accuracy.
ICD-10 implementation
From October 2014, all health care providers will require switching to ICD-10 codes for their services and for hospital inpatient procedures.
Billers and coders will require to be updated with ICD-10 codes and most organizations will prefer hiring ICD-10 certified specialists anxious to avoid any revenue losses.
Specialists already certified in an ICD-9 coding can maintain their certification by enrolling in ICD-10 training program, either at their job or through an organization like the AHIMA.

In this scenario medicialbillersandcoders.com offers extensive opportunities to billers and coders to make use of this growing demand and industry changes by providing access to the best in the industry, serving healthcare for over a decade now. MBC the largest consortium of medical billers and coders; also provides a platform to their medical billing specialists who are well-versed with HIPAA, ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 –CM and serving varied specialties - to further excel in their domain.

Our constant industry updates, newsletters and job portal provides knowledge and huge prospects to medical billers and coders across all 50 US States. We also provide new avenues and updates for upcoming industry transitions like the ICD-10 transition updates through our ICD-10 training guide.
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

CMS delays HIPAA 5010 operation rules


With big data beginning to come through the healthcare industry, not only does the protection of patient information and images become a pressing issue, but so does the process of submitting claims to health insurance companies for medical services, including treatments, doctors' appointments and diagnostic imaging. This is why the government is implementing new operating rules as part of the most updated version of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

HIPAA, which was signed into law in 1996, addresses the security and privacy of sensitive data through the use of data exchange using electronic health record and clinical archiving systems. HIPAA 5010 will enforce new operation rules authorized by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for the sharing of information.

Although the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) originally planned to enforce the rules starting Jan. 1, the agency delayed the action until March 31. This decision was made based on comments they received from HIPAA-covered entities stressing that compliance may not be possible at that time.

The rules address the content of administrative transactions since HIPAA 5010 - implemented in July 2012 - which, as of now, only covers the formatting.

While the CMS is being lenient on the matter, this does not mean that any healthcare providers, health plans and clearinghouses should delay following the operation rules if they have the ability to. The additional 90 days is strictly to help out those who absolutely need the extra time.

Once the operation rules are fully implemented by the end of March, the White House administration estimates that healthcare providers and payers will save up to $9.5 billion and $5.8 billion, respectively, InformationWeek reported.
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Friday, January 18, 2013

Home Health Compare Poses Small Impact on Market Area Exit Decisions


According to authors Jung and Feldman, the introduction of Home Health Compare, a public reporting program initiated by Medicare in 2003, had a very small and weak effect on selective exits by home health agencies between 2002 and 2004,. A 10-percent increase in reporting, the equivalent to reporting one more indicator per agency, increased the probability of a home health agency leaving an area with less-educated people by 0.3 percentage points, compared with leaving an area with high education. This small level of market-area exits under public reporting is unlikely to be practically meaningful, suggesting that Home Health Compare did not lead to a disruption in access to home health care through selective exits during the initial year of the program. Read the full paper, “Medication Days’ Supply, Adherence, Wastage, and Cost Among Chronic Patients in Medicaid,” published in Volume 2, Issue 4 of the Medicare & Medicaid Research Review.
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Countdown to Affordable Health Insurance


January is the perfect month for looking forward to new and great things around the corner.

I’m feeling that way about the new Health Insurance Marketplace. Anticipation is building, and this month we start an important countdown, first to October 1, 2013, when open enrollment begins, and continuing on to January 1, 2014, the start of new health insurance coverage for millions of Americans. In October, many of you’ll be able to shop for health insurance that meets your needs at the new Marketplace at HealthCare.gov.
This is an historic time for those Americans who never had health insurance, who had to go without insurance after losing a job or becoming sick, or who had been turned down because of a pre-existing condition. Because of these new marketplaces established under the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans will have new access to affordable health insurance coverage.

Over the last two years we’ve worked closely with states to begin building their health insurance marketplaces, also known as Exchanges, so that families and small-business owners will be able to get accurate information to make apples-to-apples comparisons of private insurance plans and, get financial help to make coverage more affordable if they’re eligible.

That is why we are so excited about launching the newly rebuilt HealthCare.gov website, where you’ll be able to buy insurance from qualified private health plans and check if you are eligible for financial assistance — all in one place, with a single application. Many individuals and families will be eligible for a new kind of tax credit to help lower their premium costs. If your state is running its own Marketplace, HealthCare.gov will make sure you get to the right place.

The Marketplace will offer much more than any health insurance website you’ve used before. Insurers will compete for your business on a level playing field, with no hidden costs or misleading fine print.

It’s not too soon to check out HealthCare.gov for new information about the Marketplace and tips for things you can do now to prepare for enrollment.  And, make sure to sign up for emails or text message updates, so you don’t miss a thing when it’s time to enroll.

There is still work to be done to make sure the insurance market works for families and small businesses. But, for millions of Americans, the time for having the affordable, quality health care coverage, security, and peace of mind they need and deserve is finally within sight.
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Mental Health Parity Guidance


Today in connection with the President’s announcement regarding the national response to the Sandy Hook tragedy, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a State Health Official letter on the application of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act to Medicaid managed care organizations, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and alternative benefit (benchmark) plans. 

The State Health Official letter is available online at http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-Policy-Guidance/Federal-Policy-Guidance.html
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Millions of Americans newly eligible for quality, affordable health coverage in 2014
Administration proposes guidance for Medicaid, health insurance marketplaces

Because of the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans will be newly eligible to receive quality, affordable health care through Medicaid and the new health insurance marketplaces (also known as the Exchanges) in 2014.  Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released a proposed rule that promotes consistent policies and processes for eligibility notices and appeals in Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Exchanges and give states more flexibility when operating their Medicaid programs. HHS encourages all Americans to review and submit comments on the proposed rule.

“Before the health care law was passed, millions of Americans were unable to obtain or afford quality health coverage,” Secretary Sebelius said. “Today, we are proposing a rule to provide Americans with access to affordable, high quality health coverage and give states more flexibility to implement the law in a way that works for them.”

Beginning in 2014, the health care law provides new opportunities for Medicaid coverage for adults who earn up to 133 percent of poverty -- $14,865 for an individual or $30,656 for a family of four.  Other Americans looking for coverage will be eligible to buy it through a health insurance marketplace, where many will be eligible for tax credits to make coverage more affordable.  The rules proposed today will help develop systems that will make it easy for consumers to determine if they are eligible for Medicaid or tax credits that make insurance more affordable. 

Today’s proposed rule includes information on how consumers will receive coordinated communications on eligibility determinations and can appeal eligibility determinations.  It gives states flexibility in designing benefits and determining cost sharing in the Medicaid program.  The proposed rule also provides flexibility to state-based Exchanges by allowing them to choose to rely on HHS for verifying whether an individual has employer-sponsored coverage and conducting some types of appeals.

For more information on this proposed rule, please visit: http://www.cms.gov/apps/media/fact_sheets.asp.
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Medicaid Eligibility, Benefits, and Appeals


We are pleased to announce that today CMS put on display in the Federal Register a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) titled “Medicaid Eligibility Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act of 2010, Part 2” (CMS-2334-P). The NPRM provides further guidance to assist states with implementing the Affordable Care Act’s plan for achieving a simple, streamlined system of affordable health care for nearly all Americans. It will be formally published on January 22, 2013. See attached for more information.

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Health Home Core Quality Measures Guidance

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce the availability of new guidance today related to health homes, authorized by section 2703 of the Affordable Care Act. Health homes provide an opportunity to build a person-centered care delivery model that focuses on improving outcomes and disease management for beneficiaries with chronic conditions and obtaining better value for state Medicaid programs. See attached for more information.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Medicare doctor pay freeze until 2014 — 26.5% cut averted

Washington Congress on New Year’s Day stopped a massive reduction to Medicare doctor payments by freezing rates at 2012 levels for one year.

Late on Jan. 1, the House voted for a measure the Senate approved early that morning that overrides a 26.5% cut to Medicare pay that technically went into effect at the beginning of the day. The bill preventing the steep reduction in pay for services passed Congress as part of a larger legislative package that also extends certain tax cuts and postpones across-the-board spending reductions.

President Obama had urged Congress to adopt the compromise bill and said he would sign it into law, meaning the Medicare rate cut will not apply to any 2013 claims.

The patch alleviates the problem only temporarily, said American Medical Association President Jeremy A. Lazarus, MD. Congress delayed the cut until 2014, when payment rates will be reduced by about 25% without further congressional action, according to current projections. The unstable Medicare pay system must be dealt with permanently over the coming months, Dr. Lazarus added.

“This last-minute action on the part of Congress is a clear example of how the Medicare program is increasingly unreliable for physicians and patients,” he said. “This instability stalls progress in moving Medicare toward new health care delivery models that can improve value for patients through better care coordination. Physicians want to work with Congress to move past this ongoing crisis and toward a Medicare program that ensures access to care and the best health outcomes for patients, and a stable, rewarding practice environment for physicians.”

The package also delays by two months a separate 2% cut to Medicare physician pay mandated under the automatic spending reduction process known as budget sequestration. Congress must act again by March 1 if it wants to prevent that reduction from taking place.

Spending reductions in other areas of Medicare were used to offset the $25.2 billion cost of stopping the sustainable growth rate cut for 2013. An inpatient prospective payment system adjustment cuts $10.5 billion from hospitals from 2014-18. Revisions to how Medicare calculates bundled payments for end-stage renal disease treatments would save $4.9 billion over 10 years. An expansion of the Medicare payment policy that pays less for multiple therapy services provided to the same patient on the same day secures another $1.8 billion for the program, while another provision reduces pay by $800 million for advanced imaging services. Rebasing state disproportionate share hospital payments in 2022 would produce another $4.2 billion in federal health savings.

The legislation also extends several Medicare payment provisions that were set to expire on Dec. 31, 2012. A $500 million increase to physician rates for doctors working in low-cost states will continue until 2014. Exemptions to caps on therapy services also were extended through the end of 2013.
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Medicare pay reprieve in place; next threat is 2% cut in March

Washington After another year-end nail-biter on Capitol Hill in which lawmakers made preventing a massive Medicare physician pay cut their last action before adjourning, organized medicine called on Congress to chart a more rational course on the issue in 2013.

Late on Jan. 1, the House voted in favor of a legislative package approved by the Senate in the early hours of the morning that postponed a 26.5% cut to doctors’ pay rates mandated by the sustainable growth rate formula, clearing the way for President Obama’s signature on Jan. 2. Although enactment technically came after the cut officially had taken effect, the result of the retroactive measure is that all 2013 physician claims will be paid at 2012 levels. The House vote on the package was 257-167, and the Senate vote was 89-8.

Organized medicine groups, including the American Medical Association, hailed the passage of the latest SGR patch but reiterated their strong belief that Congress must approve a permanent solution that avoids the recurring year-end drama that ensues from leaving the temporary measure until the eleventh hour. The latest stopgap freezes doctor pay rates only through the end of 2013, after which the formula again will slash rates by about a quarter without a new legislative revision.

“This last-minute action on the part of Congress is a clear example of how the Medicare program is increasingly unreliable for physicians and patients,” said AMA President Jeremy A. Lazarus, MD. “This instability stalls progress in moving Medicare toward new health care delivery models that can improve value for patients through better care coordination. Physicians want to work with Congress to move past this ongoing crisis and toward a Medicare program that ensures access to care and the best health outcomes for patients, and a stable, rewarding practice environment for physicians.”

David L. Bronson, MD, president of the American College of Physicians, said it was regrettable that Congress did not pursue a more lasting solution to the chronic problem of the physician pay formula.

“In the short term, this legislation helps ensure access to high-quality medical care for Medicare beneficiaries, and ensures that physician payments under Medicare will not be cut through 2013,” Dr. Bronson said. “However, a greater bipartisan effort is still needed in the coming year to approve legislation that permanently repeals once and for all the flawed SGR formula, and transitions to payment models that provide predictable annual updates to physicians participating in Medicare, while being aligned with the provision of high-quality and efficient care.”

Medicare sequester cut still looms

The SGR patch was included in a broader legislative tax and spending package designed to address major elements of what lawmakers and others have referred to as the fiscal cliff. The measure extends some tax cuts for many Americans and postpones a series of automatic federal defense and nondefense spending reductions known as sequestration.

Medicare physician pay rates and many other federal expenditures would be affected by the sequester, the consequence of Congress and the Obama administration failing to agree on more targeted spending cuts during 2011 negotiations. If such an agreement or another delay cannot be achieved by March 1, the new sequestration deadline established by the departing 112th Congress, doctor pay will be reduced by 2% under the automatic cuts. Certain non-Medicare health programs, such as clinical research and health professions funding, will be cut by 7.8% for 2013.

“The sequestration’s 2% cut in Medicare physician payment undercuts the positive impact of the 12-month patch to the sustainable growth rate,” said Glen Stream, MD, the American Academy of Family Physicians board chair. “Such a cut perpetuates the cycle of instability that elderly and disabled Americans have suffered for more than 10 years.”

Dr. Stream added that the higher sequester cut on health professions grants would endanger the ability of the primary care work force to meet future patient demand.

Even if the 113th Congress forges an agreement with the White House over alternative spending reductions to the across-the-board cuts, federal health programs are likely to shoulder a significant portion of the load. Medicaid spending, as well as Medicare benefits and eligibility, cannot be touched by sequestration, but lawmakers are under no such restrictions when crafting an alternative plan.

Obama acknowledged Medicare as a major driver of the national debt in remarks after House approval of the fiscal cliff package.

“I agree with Democrats and Republicans that the aging population and the rising cost of health care makes Medicare the biggest contributor to our deficit,” Obama said on Jan. 1 after the House vote. “I believe we’ve got to find ways to reform that program without hurting seniors who count on it to survive. And I believe that there’s further unnecessary spending in government that we can eliminate.”

Deep partisan disagreements over allowing tax rates to rise on higher-income earners nearly torpedoed the entire Jan. 1 package, including the Medicare pay freeze. Congressional observers predicted another bruising fight over spending in the months leading up to the new sequestration deadline.

“The bill sets Congress and the White House up to revisit these battles and a major deficit reduction effort in two months,” said Eric Zimmerman, a partner in the Washington office of McDermott Will & Emery. “Sometime between now and March 1, 2013, Congress and the White House will need to come to agreement on how to reapportion sequestration, fund the federal government for the balance of [fiscal] 2013 and raise the debt ceiling, and Medicare and Medicaid spending will feature prominently in those debates.”

Hospital, dialysis, imaging pay take hits

The passage of the latest physician payment patch only delays the SGR cut by a year, but the move did not come without a significant cost. Other areas of Medicare, some of which might impact doctors’ pay directly, were subjected to cuts to help pay for the temporary solution. The $25.2 billion cost of freezing Medicare doctor pay rates at 2012 levels — as well as the roughly $4 billion cost of extending certain expiring Medicare and other health payment provisions — was paid for in large part by reducing payments to hospitals, dialysis providers and Medicare private plans.

Hospital organizations expressed disappointment at being hit with cuts that were used as offsets for the across-the-board physician pay freeze and Medicare extensions. One offset involves changing the inpatient prospective payment system to reduce hospital payments by $10.5 billion.

“It is not in the best interest of patients or those who care for them to rob hospital Peter to pay for fiscal cliff Paul,” said Chip Kahn, the Federation of American Hospitals president and CEO. “These cuts could impact hospital services for those who need them the most.”

In addition, revisions in the way Medicare calculates the expected use of certain drugs when bundling payments for end-stage renal disease treatment providers also will result in $4.9 billion in pay reductions that the ACP’s Dr. Bronson noted will affect compensation for physicians providing care to kidney disease patients.

The American College of Radiology blasted Congress for approving an offset provision that will reduce payments for certain advanced imaging services by $800 million to help pay for the SGR patch.

“Reverting to continuous provider cuts to help pay for a morbidly flawed payment policy, in an environment that resembles more ‘Alice in Wonderland’ than ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,’ is an embarrassment to our country and a disservice to our nation’s seniors,” said Paul Ellenbogen, MD, chair of the ACR Board of Chancellors. “These cuts will ultimately damage patient access to medical imaging care and may drive up long-term costs by delaying diagnosis of illness and disease to later stages where more expansive, and expensive, treatments are required.”

Dr. Bronson noted, however, that lawmakers did not pursue some ideas for savings that were floated during budget negotiations, such as rescinding a health system reform law provision that raises Medicaid rates for primary care physicians to Medicare levels in 2013 and 2014. Congress also steered clear of cuts to graduate medical education as well as evaluation and management changes that would have reduced hospital pay further.

Source: http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2013/01/07/gvl10107.htm
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Reconciling Medical Expenditure Estimates from the MEPS and NHEA, 2012


“Reconciling Medical Expenditure Estimates from the MEPS and NHEA, 2007,” published in Volume 2, Issue 4 of the Medicare & Medicaid Research Review, provides a comparison of health care expenditure estimates for 2007 from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) and the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA). The study focuses on the personal health care (PHC) sector, which includes the goods and services rendered to treat or prevent a specific disease or condition in an individual. The official 2007 NHEA estimate for PHC spending is $1,915 billion and the MEPS estimate is $1,126 billion. Adjusting the NHEA estimates for differences in underlying populations, covered services, and other measurement concepts reduces the NHEA estimate for 2007 to $1,366 billion. As a result, MEPS is $240 billion, or 17.6 percent less than the adjusted NHEA total. The reconciliation provides a consistent baseline of health expenditure data for policy simulations, enabling researchers to adjust MEPS to be consistent with the NHEA so that the projected costs, as well as budgetary and tax implications of any policy change are consistent with national health spending estimates.

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CMS Announces 90-Day Period of Enforcement Discretion for Compliance with Eligibility and Claim Status Operating Rules


Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of E-Health Standards and Services (OESS) announced that to reduce the potential of significant disruption to the health care industry, it will not initiate enforcement action until March 31, 2013, with respect to HIPAA covered entities (including health plans, health care providers, and clearinghouses, as applicable) that are not in compliance with the operating rules adopted for the following transactions as required by the Affordable Care Act: eligibility for a health plan and health care claim status.  Notwithstanding OESS’ discretionary application of its enforcement authority, the compliance date for using the operating rules remains January 1, 2013.

Industry feedback suggests that HIPAA covered entities have not reached a threshold whereby a majority of covered entities would be able to be in compliance with the operating rules by January 1, 2013. This enforcement discretion period does not prevent applicable HIPAA covered entities that are prepared to conduct transactions using the adopted operating rules from doing so, and all applicable covered entities are encouraged to determine their readiness to use the operating rules as of January 1, 2013 and expeditiously become compliant. Although enforcement action will not be taken, OESS will accept complaints associated with compliance with the operating rules beginning January 1, 2013. If requested by OESS, covered entities that are the subject of complaints (known as “filed-against entities”) must produce evidence of either compliance or a good faith effort to become compliant with the operating rules during the 90-day period. HHS will continue to work to align the requirements under Section 1104 of the Affordable Care Act to optimize industry’s ability to achieve timely compliance.

OESS is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) component that enforces compliance with HIPAA transaction and code set standards, including operating rules, identifiers and other standards required under HIPAA by the Affordable Care Act. 

For copies of the operating rules for the eligibility for a health plan and health care claim status transactions, visit the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) CORE website at http://www.caqh.org.   Links to information on the operating rules for eligibility for a health plan and health care claim status are available at http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/HIPAA-Administrative-Simplification/Affordable-Care-Act/OperatingRulesforEligibilityandClaimsStatus.html
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